Dr. Anne Brown, Ph.D., RN MS lives in Sausalito, California, formerly from Aspen, Colorado. In her private practice, she has served as the trusted advocate and advisor to Influential Corporate leaders, Trial Attorneys, Athletes, Leaders, and Physicians. Also served their families, many of whose connections extend well beyond the town of Aspen.
Combined her own professional experience with that of her no-nonsense mentor, the former Chilean Minister of Finance, political prisoner of Pinochet, and corporate business consultant, Dr. Fernando Flores. Brown used a methodology that helped people reveal their blindness and learn to speak authentically. Thereby decreasing their suffering and increasing their dignity and authenticity. Brown has been described by one client as “having a very caring way of going for the jugular.”
Dr. Brown is available as an Emotional Dialogue Editor for Screenplay writers. Email annebrown(at)sopris.net
Before moving to Aspen in 1987, she worked as an Alcohol Clinical Specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts from 1981–1983. She was the Program Director of the Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Program at Greater Cape Ann Human Services in Gloucester, Massachusetts from 1983–1987.
While living in Aspen, Anne Brown developed a private practice. She provided therapy for families, individuals, and couples. Her practice was results-oriented and with her therapeutic intervention. Her clients developed the tools to become their own self-advocates. She served as a Radio Talk Show Host for KAJX on Aspen Public Radio from 1999–2006. Brown interviewed people following their dreams. She is also a life and health expert in relationships on genConnect. In 1997, Anne Brown also reached a personal goal of obtaining her Black Belt in Soo Bahk Do.
Anne Brown is a graduate of the University of Virginia, BS in Nursing. Also at Boston University, MS in Psychiatric-Mental Health in Nursing and International University, Ph.D. in Addiction Studies. Anne Brown resides in Sausalito, California, and has two children and four grandchildren.
Anne Brown is the author and narrator of the audiobook Backbone Power The Science Of Saying No.