Author: Dr. Anne Brown
My Divorce is Final! (It sure doesn’t feel that way!)
If you have followed my guidelines including the most important, “fight for your marriage” and you find yourself divorced, it is time to reinvent yourself. If you have had an amicable divorce and you both are smart enough to know everyone’s recovery will be better if everyone lands on their feet, Congrats! Your first year…
The Dark Side of Holidays and How to Make Them Light!
The divorce is final and now we have the challenge of the first year. The first year after your divorce and every year thereafter is going to contain holidays. As with all of our challenges in life, it is never the challenge, it is always our perception of the challenge. Years ago when I was…
How to Heal from a Toxic Marriage! (by: Dr. Anne Brown PhD, RNCS )
“You will never really see how toxic someone is until you breathe fresh air.” I received a request the other day from someone who had finally left a really toxic relationship and wanted to know what to do next. First of all, congratulations to anyone who has been able to leave a really toxic relationship.…
Your Child is not your Messenger! (by: Dr. Anne Brown PhD, RNCS)
One would think after going through a difficult, and many times nasty divorce from a contentious (narcissistic, borderline, psychopathic, or sociopathic for example) partner he/she might be done with you and want to move on. You will probably find this will not be the case especially if there are children involved. One reason is the…
When “Make Nice” Doesn’t Work In Divorce (by: Dr. Anne Brown RNCS)
Unfortunately, there are several types of people who are going to be contentious in a divorce and they have to be handled differently. And many personnel involved in the divorce process do not prepare or educate the spouse of a contentious person correctly. If you have ever been told or if you suspect you are…
Grow up Mom and Dad!! (by: Anne Brown, PhD, RN CS)
Mom and Dad, what do you think it is like for me 3′-4′ high weighing in at 90-100lbs when I hear the “our family is getting divorced” conversation? I think the way things happen in life is somehow two people get together and create a family with little people like me growing up trying to…
Divorce Visitation Requests from Your Child (by: Dr. Anne Brown, PhD, RN CS)
Part 2 – Read Part 1, the parent’s “notes,” at Dos and Don’ts of Visitation from the Therapist! Dear Mom and Dad, Please remember my life has been turned upside down and I never had a vote. I don’t have a rulebook to negotiate waters totally unfamiliar to me. It is really hard for…
Dos and Don’ts of Visitation from the Therapist! (by: Dr. Anne Brown, PhD, RN CS)
Do treat your Children like Gold! Remember you just turned your children’s life (and they didn’t have a vote) upside down. They now have to decipher new rules, new logistics, probable logistical chaos until their stuff finally gets where it is supposed to be, emotional land mines, and they have just inherited all the things…
6 Things I Wish I Knew Then That I Know Now After My Divorce (by: Dr. Anne Brown PhD, RN CS)
We always hear people say, “I wish I knew then what I know now,” so here is some help if you are navigating a divorce now… 1. Believe in Yourself! Three words that are so powerful they can change any “I can’t into “I can”. When you hear the words “I want a divorce”, there…
5 Ways to Avoid Court at all Costs! (by: Dr. Anne Brown PhD, RN CS)
I think we are all in agreement “settle out of court”. How can a couple do that when they are fighting to the extent they are filing for divorce? You are probably going to get tired of hearing me say first always “Fight for your Marriage.” Fight for your Marriage! This means get into a…