What Do Real Men Want? Real Women!

“He /she makes me want to be the best person I can,” is music to my ears when I am working with people in the dating game. In this day and age life can be challenging and couples need to be real partners to succeed in life. So before you start dating get yourself prepared! Read more here..
The Power of Conversation While Dating

One of the most powerful foundations of a successful marriage is the quality of conversations the couple can have together. What does this look like when you are dating? Let’s look at 5 domains of concern conversations, I believe will enrich your dating experiences. Click here.
Be Honest with your Honey

We have been looking at some of the costs and probable contributing factors of people pleasing and now we are going to look at some examples. Click here .
Say No To The Weight Of Your Past!
Someone recently asked me the definition of Codependency, so let’s take a look at what we can see to help uncover this complicated phenomenon. The visual I have is someone who is suppose to be driving his own car in the race of life, but he is running around cleaning everyone else’s car. Read more here..

OK we all know this right? And yet how many of us enter into the most intimate relationship with our partners “saying nothing.” For those who still can’t discuss sex, it is time to lift that veil. Requests in the domain of sex to many are the Everest of requests so to speak. So many men equate a negative response to requests in this area as a reflection of their inadequacy. Women know this, don’t want to offend, and so say nothing. Sex then goes into the “be nothing” category. Read more here.