Tag: Anne Brown
NO is a Complete Sentence!
Last time, we introduced the importance of being able to say No. And for the purpose of this discussion, we are talking about people with equal status in the relationship. However, this does not include parent-child, teacher-student, or employer-employee. These relationships have different guidelines for dignity. The relationships we are talking about are people out…
Santa Please Send My Christmas Backbone ASAP!
If you look at the tools in my book, you can design the Christmas holidays rather than be swept along in the disasters of the past. If you are one of those people who has been known to say, “I hate the holidays.” STOP and let’s start with new memories this year. Tough times never last,…
Robin Williams
“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” Laurell K Hamilton Mistral’s Kiss From the outside looking in, it is easy to say, but he had so much why couldn’t he find the help he needed. From the inside looking out, a lot of the…
Say No To The Weight Of Your Past!
” Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Steve Jobs Someone recently asked me the definition of Codependency, so let’s take a look at what we can see to help uncover this complicated phenomenon. The visual I have is someone who is suppose to be driving his own car in…
“You are confined only by the walls you build yourself!” Rationalizing is something we do when we don’t want to face the truth. Rationalizing is something we use to make what just happen ok in our eyes. Rationalizing is a tool for survival when things are too bad to survive. Rationalizing helps us cope when…
Say No to Waffling!!!
“It comes from saying No to 1000 things to make sure we don’t get on the wrong track or try to do to much.” Steve Jobs Are you beginning to see where we need our tools, ability to say No, ability to make requests, ability to speak our truth in order be a good leader, and in order to be…
If your Ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it! Jonathan Winters
Make Those Requests Being in the world as your authentic self and living with dignity involves being able to make requests. Being able to ask for what you need is a very valuable tool. Knowing what you want to ask is important. Many people do not realize they do not make requests. If you…
When You Say ‘Yes’ to Others, Make Sure You are not saying ‘No’ to Yourself! ~ Paul Coelho
Learning to be in the world as your authentic self can be scary, challenging, freeing, and eventually joyfully peaceful. What does this mean? How do I get there? Is this important? With everything that is going on in the world today, it is probably one of the most important tasks we can undertake to be…
Be Honest with your Honey
We have been looking at some of the costs and probable contributing factors of people pleasing and now we are going to look at some examples. I have had many clients come into my office with a laundry list of complaints about his/her spouse. One client in particular was talking about divorce. When I asked if…