Tag: Child Visitation
Divorce Visitation Requests from Your Child (by: Dr. Anne Brown, PhD, RN CS)
Part 2 – Read Part 1, the parent’s “notes,” at Dos and Don’ts of Visitation from the Therapist! Dear Mom and Dad, Please remember my life has been turned upside down and I never had a vote. I don’t have a rulebook to negotiate waters totally unfamiliar to me. It is really hard for…
Dos and Don’ts of Visitation from the Therapist! (by: Dr. Anne Brown, PhD, RN CS)
Do treat your Children like Gold! Remember you just turned your children’s life (and they didn’t have a vote) upside down. They now have to decipher new rules, new logistics, probable logistical chaos until their stuff finally gets where it is supposed to be, emotional land mines, and they have just inherited all the things…