Tag: narcissistic abuse

  • Who Is A Sociopath?

    Who is a Sociopath? Sociopaths/Psychopaths are fun, exciting, seductive, charismatic, impulsive, sexy, AND unfortunately, individuals diagnosed with an anti-social personality disorder. Dr. Anne Brown What does this mean to you? After you have been drawn into their world, then you are going to find: Sociopaths don’t keep agreements. They have a disregard for the law…

  • 5 Signs You Are In An Abusive Marriage

    1. Physical Abuse In theory, in this country, no one can touch you as adults in any way (physically or sexually) without your permission. At the horrendous end of the spectrum of physical abuse are the stories we hear about the beating, burning, rape, mutilation, sex slaves, etc. and at the lesser end of the…

  • How To Leave A Narcissist!

    Today we are going to address leaving a narcissist emotionally and physically. Many people feel they cannot leave physically because of logistical concerns (e.g. money, no support system, housing, etc.). So leaving emotionally becomes vitally important. Knowledge is the best weapon you have in this scenario. Stop Asking why they keep doing it and start…